Welcome to FIGHTFiiT
THE complete Mixed Martial Arts solution.
My name is Greig Stirling and I am all things FIGHTFiiT
I teach people how to fight, think and perform better.
I've dedicated tens of thousands of hours to transforming hundreds of people into more well rounded fighters and individuals, but also fitter, faster, and stronger athletes.
From the heart of Glasgow and Edinburgh to clients worldwide, I ensure every session moves you towards your full potential through my dynamic range of individually tailored programs and personalised coaching techniques.
Join me to build your skills in combat sports and refine your approach to fighting, training, and everyday life.
Email today to organise a call to talk about your training,
or to book your trial session.
The best thing you an do is get started.

如果您曾经想要学习、提高或达到综合格斗 (MMA)、泰拳或拳击的巅峰,那么您来对地方了。
FIGHTFiiT 方法旨在提升您的身体和心理素质。自 2017 年成立以来,FIGHTFiiT 已帮助数百人花费数万小时成为更好的战士、更好的运动员和生活各个领域中表现更好的人
我教授的技巧来自各种格斗运动,如拳击、巴西柔术、摔跤、踢拳、泰拳、擒拿摔跤、柔道和跆拳道。接下来,我们将它们融合在一起,形成混合武术 (MMA) 风格。这种方法对初学者、业余选手和职业选手都有好处。
我一生都在学习和教学,对人、训练方法、表现、心理学和 MMA 有着广泛的了解,这使我能够以人们理解的方式进行教学和帮助他们变得更好。

关于 Greig
Hello, I'm Greig Stirling and I am all things FIGHTFiiT.
FIGHTFiiT was started in 2018 that's when I got the balls to fully commit, but it was in my heart and my head from 2017.
I have a lifetime of sports, health and fitness behind me so starting FIGHTFiiT felt like a natural progression for me. I love combat sports in particular and after many years of training I felt sure I could teach people, Improve all aspects of their game, and share my passion and knowledge with them.
FIGHTFiiT started in locations in Glasgow and quickly spread to Edinburgh, as my reputation grew I began having requests to travel to other cities and countries. FIGHTFiiT has grown ever since. I now offer a fully comprehensive list of services which utilise all of my skills, knowledge and expertise, both online and in person
I'm fortunate to have training partners worldwide from all walks of life — business professionals and entrepreneurs to parents and students. What unites us is a drive to get better, learn more and have fun while we do it.
The FIGHTFiiT story won't stop here, so if you want to talk about what I can do for you let's connect today!
Get in touch by email, text, or Instagram and lets plan your journey.

什么是FIGHTFiiT?FIGHTFiiT 是一个个人训练计划,结合了各种格斗运动,帮助个人提高身体和精神素质。我专注于 MMA、拳击、泰拳和跆拳道。FIGHTFiiT 还提供力量和体能训练、速度训练和心态方面的指导和计划。
谁可以加入FIGHTFiiT?FIGHTFiiT 课程适合所有人,从初学者到专业选手。无论您是想开始学习 MMA 还是想提高技能,我都有适合您的课程,可以帮助您实现目标。
FIGHTFiiT 提供哪些类型的项目?我提供一系列课程,包括一对一私人训练、团体课程以及专注于打击、擒拿和整体健身的专业课程。我教授拳击、泰拳、综合格斗打击、综合格斗擒拿和综合格斗。
我需要任何经验才能加入 FIGHTFiiT 吗?无需任何经验。我有多年经验,将根据您当前的健身水平和经验为您量身定制训练。
FIGHTFiiT 的训练课程是如何组织的?每节课都是根据我的训练伙伴的个人目标和需求而量身定制的,融合了技术训练、力量调节、速度训练、思维方式和策略发展等元素。
FIGHTFiiT 培训课程在哪里举行?培训课程在格拉斯哥和爱丁堡的外部地点举行,我还为世界各地的客户提供在线培训课程。
FIGHTFiiT 的训练课程有多长?训练课程通常持续 60 到 90 分钟,具体取决于计划和您的个人健身目标。
FIGHTFiiT 采取什么措施确保训练期间的安全?安全是我的首要任务。我的所有项目都遵循严格的安全协议,包括适当的热身、技术监督和设备的使用。
FIGHTFiiT 培训费用是多少?价格取决于课程和培训频率。我提供一系列适合不同预算和目标的选项。请联系我获取详细的定价信息。
我如何预订课程或加入 FIGHTFiiT 的项目?您可以通过我的网站预订课程或报名参加课程,也可以通过电话或电子邮件直接联系我寻求帮助。或者给我发短信或通过社交媒体联系我。所有这些联系方式都在网站的联系部分。
FIGHTFiiT 是否为高级战士提供任何特殊计划?是的,FIGHTFiiT 提供高级课程,专注于为经验丰富的战士提供高水平的技术和比赛准备,我深入研究每个战士的比赛和日程安排,并找到所有可以进行改进的地方。
FIGHTFiiT 课程的取消政策是什么?如需取消课程,需提前 24 小时通知。培训合作伙伴可以根据实际情况重新安排课程。